Fit people can solve problems faster, better and easier.

The Corporate Evolution hopes to nurture a culture of fully present; fully engaged team members working and functioning at their peak both functionally and cognitively.  Research indicates that a properly functioning body increases Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF).  Higher levels of BDNF are associated with increased intelligence, mood, productivity, memory and longevity.  By optimizing the body's movement at the office we hope to foster a relationship with health that permeates throughout your staff's daily routine. We strive to help you cultivate an environment most conducive to the creative process.  


With a multitude of protocols we have learned how to mobilize 8 identified problematic areas optimizing one's ability to move well, function better and wake the brain.  Our posture (and body in general) dictate how our brain functions.  A properly functioning body is the best habitat for an optimally functioning brain.




"I find that because I choose to [workout] during the day, my thoughts tend toward work while exercising.  I have some of my most creative thought while working out."

-Michael Mangum, President and CEO of Mangum Group


Our Mission

Operating in the high performance mindset space, The Corporate Evolution uses mobilization intervention techniques and protocols to increase Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF), realign posture and build fellowship while minimizing pain & lethargy in as little as 20 minutes away from an individual's desk.