"Working with Chris was a daily pleasure, because he knows his stuff and also has an instinct for dealing with cranks like me."
Roger Ebert, Legendary Film Critic
Listeners of Eric in the Morning may know me best as "Satan Trainer Chris." Since 2004, I've helped Eric Ferguson maintain a physique which can only be described as "suitable for radio."
Lincoln Schatz, Artist
"My five years of working out with Chris Melton has been an amazing journey of joy, dread and soreness. As a result I am in the best physical shape of my life. My strength, agility and stamina enables me to fully engage in anything/everything I choose. He pushes me at each work out to achieve things I thought improbable. There is not a day that goes by when I do not think, and oft times say, thank you Chris Melton!"
Rich Feitler, Chairman of TPN
"I've worked with Chris twice a week for close to ten years. He is outstanding in many ways. A few qualities stand out for me. Chris keeps it fresh and always challenging--he has never done the same workout twice. He stays close to what's new and is able to assess what is right for me."
Saira Mohan, Supermodel
"My current trainer, Chris Melton, has kicked me into shape in the shortest amount of time ever!"
Dr. Len Cerullo, The Len Cerullo Method
"I remain impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication you bring to your clients, including slugs like me. You helped whip me back into shape after heart surgery and have kept me there since. Your individualized and personalized attention are really important, since we all bring different challenges to you."
Michael Reschke, The Prime Group
"When I first met Chris, he and I agreed to a weight bet that he won by a small margin, but it helped me lose over 20 pounds. He participated in the bet even though he did not need to lose weight because of his dedication to his clients! I need to start another weight bet soon!"
Colette May, Owner Kindle Communications
Coming Soon...
Jim TenBroek, Managing Partner & Founder, Growth Catalyst Partners
Coming Soon...
Geri Bleir, Yoga Instructor
"Chris Melton makes working out fun! He always pushed me further than I thought I was capable but at the same time, was aware of my shoulder injury putting in a therapy routine for it in every session. His sessions are creative, intense and the hour flies by. I felt incredibly strong, healthy and fit training with Chris. I highly recommend him for anyone of any level wanting to begin personal training."
Robin Shehan, Athlete
"Chris is the real deal. He brings just the right amount of enthusiasm, encouragement and technical expertise to every workout. Chris' goal-centic, results driven approach is a good fit for me. Over the last four years, we've successfully trained for a marathon, two stair climbs, various races and a number of personal events where I wanted to be lean. This last year he was instrumental in my regaining fitness, strength and energy after having a baby. The lower body workouts we did all fall have had a remarkable impact on my skiing! Pain free moguls!"